My Autistic Child

Parenting Children on the Autism Spectrum

World Autism Day 2019

Happy World Autism Day 2019! Today, many people around the world will be doing something to raise autism awareness. Children may be asked to wear odd socks or a certain colour to school. There may be fundraisers to help raise needed money for autism charities. Many autism families choose to celebrate this day as a special holiday.

More Than Awareness Needed

Whilst autism “awareness” is fantastic, what is really needed is autism ACCEPTANCE. Imagine a society that didn’t stigmatise autistic people for being different. A place where differences were celebrated rather than maligned. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our autistic children could go to school without fear of being bullied for talking or acting the way they do.

World Autism Day 2019 should serve to educate people about autism. Yes, wearing odd socks or a specific colour to school is a talking point, but it’s important to talk about WHY they are doing this. Even the school bully might turn up to school wearing blue to “light it up for autism,” but will it stop them from from bullying the autistic kid in class once the day is over? Let’s have the conversation. Let people know how they can help autistic members of society to feel included.

Ideas For Celebrating World Autism Day 2019

World Autism Day was first designated by the United Nations in 2007, as part of a human rights initiative. Different countries celebrate the day in many creative and unique ways.

“Onesie Wednesday” is one idea, created by the National Autistic Society in 2014. People are encouraged to wear a onesie to school or work to show that being different is ok and acceptable.

Bloggers may write a special post on this day and various social media channels light up with posts and videos about autism.

Fundraisers may include sponsored events or cake sales. Autism charities benefit greatly from the funds raised as it enables them to continue important outreach work in communities, supporting families.

So, however you choose to commemorate this day…

Happy World Autism Day 2019!

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